Diabetic Wound Care

Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetes or you were diagnosed with it as a child, you must be managing healthy blood sugar levels to prevent complications. As your doctor will tell you, untreated or uncontrolled diabetes can wreak havoc on various systems and organs in the body. Your feet, for one, are often impacted by diabetes. Everything from nerve damage to ulcers and amputation is more likely to occur in those with diabetes. If you are living with diabetes in Inglewood, our podiatrist Dr. Tabassian can provide your feet with the proper care they need to prevent ulcers and other serious complications.

Turning to a Podiatrist in Inglewood, CA 

Diabetic Foot Care In Inglewood, CA

You already have a primary care physician that you have to regularly check-in with and you have an endocrinologist who is providing you with routine care and medications, so why do you need a podiatrist? The fact remains that diabetes can cause serious health risks for your feet, including nerve damage and ulcers. While the other doctors on your team can help you manage your blood sugar levels through lifestyle changes and medication, a podiatrist can help address any issues that directly impact the health of your feet and ankles.

According to the American Diabetes Associations, those with diabetes should visit their podiatrist at least once a year for a full checkup; however, you should turn to your podiatrist regularly,

  • To inspect your feet for sores, blisters, or other issues that seem minor but could lead to a serious infection
  • To properly trim your toenails
  • To treat problems right away when they occur (e.g., ingrown toenails; fungal infections)
  • If you have questions or concerns about the health of your feet

Treating and Caring for Diabetic Feet

Along with taking medication to control your blood sugar and leading a healthy lifestyle, there are certain habits you should practice to specifically protect and improve the health of your feet. Some of these habits can reduce your risk for foot problems,

  • Examine your feet daily to look for redness, swelling, discolorations, cuts, and other problems that will require medical attention
  • Make sure to thoroughly wash your feet with soap and lukewarm water once a day and to dry feet off thoroughly after showering or bathing
  • Keep nails properly trimmed, making sure to only cut nails straight across
  • Apply moisturizer daily to all parts of your feet except between the toes
  • Quit or avoid smoking
  • Wear shoes and socks throughout the day, even when indoors, to protect against injury
  • Change out socks and shoes daily

Are you looking for a podiatrist that specializes in diabetic wound care? Dr. Mitra Tabassian, DPM has worked with and provided care to diabetic patients for decades. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Tabassian at her Inglewood, CA practice, simply call
(310) 671-0004.

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Temporary hours due to Covid-19

Mitra Tabassian DPM


2:30 pm-6:00 pm